Julia Robert in India

photo: sanluisobispo.com
Youth and village people fulfill house roof in dusty small village at Mirzapur, North India region. They curious to see shooting process of Academy Award winner, Julia Robert (42 years old) for her new movie: Eat, Pray, Love. To keep safe woman who has real name Julia Fiona Robert, some police stand by in shooting location area with tight security. Some body guard also make fence around shooting location to protect her from visitor attacked. Mirzapur is small village far 56 kilometer from south New Delhi, suddenly became attention focus of public, television crew, and photographers. Julia Robert look wears cloth of India woman, with turquoise blue robe and long cloth. This time Julia Robert player role real story of writer named Elizabeth Gilbert, an American woman who tried to forget her pain married memory. She make traveled to Italia, India, and Indonesia (Bali). The shooting take in started with pray from Hindu priest. India newspaper, The Times, reported that priest give Gods of Hindu name to three children of Julia Robert. For twin Hazel and Phinnaeus get name Laxmi and Ganesh, meanwhile Henri get name Khrisna Balram. Laxmi is name for God of Lucky and Wealth, Ganesh for God of Wisdom or Knowledge, and Khrisna is the eighth avatar or reincarnation of the god Vishnu.