Daddy Roles

Model and actress Liv Tyler has appreciation about her father, Steven Taylor, rock band Aerosmith vocalist. Even her beauty rumoured she get from beauty life tips from her father. For skin treatment, Tyler rely on recipe from her mother, Babe Buell, a model and singer. Actress who also starring Lord of the Rings often do some “ritual” to treatment her body that she get from her grandmother, also model profession. Even she had influence from her mother and grandmother so strong, Tyler admitted get alternative beauty guide from her father. “My mother and grandmother were models and have excellent recipe that I learn to take care my skin,” says Tyler. “Meanwhile my father give me good beauty advices, like how to uses parfum,” Tyler added. Tyler born with name Liv Rundgren. Since she child, she believe her biological father is Todd Rundgren when at that time be her mother lover. He just known thather real father is Steven taylor when she attended Aerosmith concert. Tyler suspicious why she so resemble with Mia Tyler, Steven Tyler daughter.